Student Handbook
Home of the Bucks!
6128 Baker Road
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37129
Phone: (615) 904-6755 Fax: (615) 904-6756
School Web site:
Principal: Kellye Goostree [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Dr. Matthew Dodd [email protected]
We would like to welcome all learners to the Brown’s Chapel Family. We look forward to being a part of your education team. We ask that you give your best effort daily. The following is an overview of the policies and procedures at BCE. Thank you for helping us to build a great place to learn and grow each day.
Our mission at Brown’s Chapel Elementary School is to lay the groundwork for each child to find the path to success in school and in life.
The school policies included in this handbook are applicable during regular school hours as well as on buses, field trips, school sports events, and any activity sponsored by the school.
When a child is absent from school, parents must send a note with the student when he/she returns stating the reason for the absence. It is the learner’s responsibility to meet with each teacher and arrange for make-up of class work and tests. Make up work must be submitted within 5 days of the return to school. Classroom discussions and student participation cannot be recreated in the event of absences. If there is going to be a prolonged absence, parents should contact the school administration. Assignments will not be given for planned absences before the classroom instruction has been given. Attendance has a distinctive effect on the learner’s success.
The principal or his/her designee has the authority to excuse learners for absences and tardiness due to but not limited to:
doctor’s note must be submitted in order for any subsequent absences the ninth (9) absence and all there
after to be excused.
the principal.
The building will be open at 6:45 each morning. Car rider drop-off is in the back of the building. Please be prepared for students to exit your vehicle in the line when you come to a complete stop. Bus drop off is at the front door. Learners arriving at school prior to 7:15 will be assigned to a designated area under teacher supervision. The first bell rings at 7:15. Learners will be released to go to their classes at that time. Everyone will be in their classrooms, ready for class to begin by 7:30. All parents and visitors must enter through the front doors.
All learners are expected to attend school on a regular basis and be on time. School officials are required to report to the county attendance supervisor persons legally responsible for a child who is unlawfully absent from school for any five (5) days during the school year. To be counted present a child must attend classes for a period of three hours-sixteen minutes. Those learners who have not missed a day of school or have not accumulated time equal to an absence (i.e. early dismissal and tardy) will be awarded a Brown’s Chapel Perfect Attendance certificate
at the end of the school year. Attendance contracts/meetings are required when students surpass 5, 10, and 15+ days out of school.
Brown’s Chapel participates in the Federal Hot Lunch and Breakfast program providing nutritious meals. Each learner is expected to display appropriate conduct while in the cafeteria. Breakfast is served from 6:45-7:15. Any learner arriving after that time should eat breakfast at home. Learners are encouraged not to charge meals. Payment is expected at the time of purchase. The cafeteria manager will provide each learner with the policy regarding lunch charges. No food from outside eating establishments will be permitted in the cafeteria. Parents, legal guardians and approved visitors will be allowed to eat with their child at a separate table in our cafeteria.
Parents are held responsible by law for any damage or loss of school property, including the school bus, caused by their child.
In order to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, it is necessary to maintain discipline. Learners should accept responsibility for their own behavior. Learners are expected to show self-discipline at all times. Any behavior that interferes with the learning of others will result in disciplinary action. Each learner is expected to behave in an orderly and courteous manner. Brown’s Chapel Elementary School’s success depends upon the ability of you and your fellow learners to exhibit these traits of good citizenship. Dishonesty, profanity, disorderly conduct,
disrespect for yourself, peers or authority and disregard for school property will result in disciplinary action which includes parent contact. Teachers will have the authority to maintain order in the school building and campus and the right to discipline all learners whenever and wherever they see a violation occur.
We are a learning community. Our primary goal is to learn each day. The guidelines for dress are set to support that goal. Please see that your child dresses so that they are comfortable, neat, and clean and do not cause discomfort for themselves or distraction for their classmates. Parents will be contacted if a student needs a change of clothing.
1. If a learner could not read aloud the slogan or describe the picture on their shirt without violating BCE
guidelines regarding mutual respect or causing themselves embarrassment, the shirt is not appropriate for
school-wear. No writing on the backside of pants.
2. Jewelry, clothing, accessories depicting drugs, alcohol, sex, gang-related symbols, drug paraphernalia,
violence, or profanity will not be worn.
3. Flip-flops should not be worn.
4. Shorts and skirts must be at least as long as the end of their fingertips when their arm is placed on the side
of their body. No athletic shorts.
5. All pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. No sagging allowed.
6. Clothes must fit appropriately. Shirts and tops should adequately cover the mid section while engaged in
school activities. If raised arms expose the midriff, the shirt should not be worn.
7. Tennis shoes or sneakers are required for all students participating in physical education classes.
8. Clothing made of see-through material is not permitted without an appropriate undershirt. Athletic jerseys
must be worn with a T-shirt.
9. No ripped or torn clothing which exposes skin above the knee, halter-tops, or sleeveless tops with straps
less than 2 inches.
10. No tank tops, racer-back or sleeveless shirts with large arm openings.
11. Leggings are not pants. They may be worn with shirts that are long enough to cover their backside as well
as the front and loose enough to remain that way during activity.
Parents who come into our building or chaperone on field trips should exercise the dress standards we expect of our learners. School personnel have control in defining acceptable standards of dress in areas not specifically covered or expressed by these guidelines, in order to maintain an appropriate classroom environment. If a learner comes to school in violation of the dress code, they will wait in the office while a parent is summoned to bring appropriate attire. Our goal is to keep the focus on learning.
If medicine must be taken during the school day on a regular basis, the parent must fill out a medical form that can be acquired from the school office. Medicine will be stored and dispensed in the clinic. No medicine should be sent to school with a learner. Parents should bring the medicine to the nurse or assistant in the clinic. Medical orders from a doctor should be shared with the school nurse so that they are followed at school.
Promotion/Retention will be based on:
A. Teachers Recommendation, Judgment, Evaluation
B. Grades and Daily work
C. Effort
D. Maturity (e.g. age, social adjustment)
E. Mastery of Grade Appropriate Skill in the Core Curriculum.
If a learner is to be retained in grades K-5, a conference will be scheduled with the parent(s)/ guardian(s), administrator and teacher.
Grade cards are issued at the end of every nine weeks, and are to be signed by the parent and returned immediately. Grade cards will contain academic grades, conduct grades, and attendance. The basic grading system for subject area grades 3-5 is to be expressed by numerical grades on the report card with corresponding letter grade values below. GRADING SCALE:
A: 93-100 B: 85-92 C: 75-84 D: 70-74 F: BELOW 70
The basic grading scale system for academic area grades in grades K-1-2 is expressed through a rubric showing standards mastery. Each academic area is further defined by detailed learning standards which are assessed throughout the year. The purpose of the grading scale is to provide data to parents about their child’s performance. Our focus is on learning and forward progress is not always illustrated by a numerical grade.
Brown’s Chapel Elementary rewards learners who achieve excellence in their academic work. Each grading period, learners may earn honors for Principal’s list (all A’s) or Honor Roll (any combination of A’s and B’s in academics). At the end of each nine week grading period, an academic honor’s ceremony will be held to recognize student achievement. Recognition of quality character traits will be awarded as well.
1. Principal’s List- All A’s on report card.
2. Honor Roll- Any combination of A’s and B’s in the core academic subject areas on the report card.
Any principal, or his designee, having reasonable cause for a search may search any learner, place, or thing on school property or in the actual or constructive possession of any learner during any organized school activity off campus, including buses, if he/she receives information which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the search will lead to the discovery of:
a. Evidence of any violation of the law;
b. Evidence of any violation of school rules or regulations or proper standards of student or faculty conduct;
c. Any objects or substance which because of its presence presents an immediate danger or harm or illness to
any person.
The learner using a locker that is the property of the school system has no right of privacy in that locker or its contents. All lockers or other storage areas provided for the learner use on school premises remain the property of the school system and are provided for the use of learners subject to inspection, access for maintenance and search.
A learner may be subject to physical search or a learner’s pocket, purse, or other container may be required to be emptied because of the results of a locker search, or because of information received from a teacher, staff member, or other learner if such action is reasonable to the principal.
All of the following standards of reasonableness shall be met:
1. A particular learner has violated policy.
2. The search could be expected to yield evidence of the violation of school policy or disclosure of a
dangerous weapon or drug.
3. The search is in pursuit of legitimate interests of school in maintaining order, discipline, safety, supervision
and education of learner;
4. The primary purpose of the search is not to collect evidence for a criminal prosecution.
In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment free of drugs, violence and dangerous weapons, any learner who engages in the following behaviors will be subject to expulsion for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The superintendent shall have the authority to modify this expulsion on a case-by-case basis. Zero-tolerance acts are as follows:
1. Learners who bring or unlawfully possess any narcotic or stimulant drug, prescription drug or any other
controlled substance (including marijuana), or a dangerous weapon onto a school bus, onto school property,
or to any school event or activity.
2. Any learner who while on a school bus, on school property or while attending any school event or activity:
a. Unlawfully possesses any narcotic or stimulant drug, prescription drug or any other controlled
substance (including marijuana).
b. Commits battery upon any teacher, administrator or any other employee of a local education agency,
c. Uses or transfers any dangerous weapon.
d. Unlawfully uses or is under the influence of any narcotic or stimulant drug, prescription drug, or any
other controlled substance (including marijuana);
e. Sell, distributes, or transfers any narcotic or stimulant, prescription drug, or any other controlled
substance (including marijuana).
The principal or assistant principal(s) may suspend any learner from attendance at school or any school-related activity on or off campus (outof-school suspension) or from attendance at a specific class or classes, or from riding a school bus, without suspending such learner from attendance at school (in-school suspension), for good and sufficient reasons. T.C.A. 49-6-3401.
Transportation changes will only be accepted in WRITING. For the safety of our learners NO phone call, email, Dojo message or fax to change transportation will be accepted. BCE personnel cannot verify a telephone contact and we will not endanger our learner’s safety by attempting to do so. Consistent transportation plans will eliminate confusion. Please prepare an emergency plan that utilizes family, friends and neighbors and does not interrupt the regular school routine. Early checkout between 2:00 and 2:30 requires prior written notification. No student will be dismissed to the office during that time without the prior notice. Building transitions, pack up and teacher instructions may not be interrupted in order to ensure the safety and accuracy of student dismissal.
No refunds will be given for cancellation of a field trip due to behavior. Exact change is required, the school will not make change. Families with multiple children must split the money, as each homeroom teacher must receipt money received individually.
We encourage class field trips to expand our learner’s educational horizons. Learners must meet the behavioral criteria to attend such trips and if necessary, an alternate assignment will be given in lieu of an off-campus experience. Parents or their designees are welcome to attend these trips as chaperones. Your child’s teacher will define the parameters of the trip with regard to cost, limitations on numbers, times, deadlines for
permission slips, etc. All chaperones will be assigned a group of learners and be responsible for their care under the teacher’s direction. Due to this supervisory role, only enrolled students may attend. Chaperones may ride the school bus providing space allows. Chaperones must dress according to the same guidelines as our students (refer to the dress guidelines on page 2). Chaperones should not smoke on field trips, leave
learners unattended, use language or discuss topics inappropriate for elementary children. Cell phone usage should be limited to emergencies and not interfere with your role as a chaperone. The morning of a field trip, chaperones must come to school with photo ID that can be scanned through the Raptor System, check in through the front office and attend an administrative meeting. All adults must meet with the above criteria
in order to attend a field trip.
All visitors must report to the office, sign-in, and receive a visitation pass. It is the responsibility of the school administration and staff to ensure the safety of all students. We appreciate the cooperation of all visitors by signing in with the office. All visitors must provide a photo ID that can be scanned through the Raptor System which will be exchanged for a visitor’s photo ID badge. Parents should make appointments in advance to
discuss their children with the teacher. The 15 minutes prior to school and the 15 minutes after school are designated as DUTY TIMES. The teachers are monitoring learner arrival and dismissal. Please note these are not conference times.
Our mission at Brown’s Chapel is to lay the groundwork for each child to find the path to success in school and in life. It is our privilege to partner with you in helping your child reach their full potential. We support them in having high standards, developing a quality character, setting goals and working to achieve them. We’re looking forward to a stellar 2021-2022! Go Bucks!
Empowering today’s students to grasp tomorrow’s opportunities.